Monday, July 29, 2013

A Little Mexican Food Fix

Chicken Lettuce Tacos and a little meal prep

My husband used to say all the time, "Why in the world would anyone order a lettuce taco at a restaurant?"  He just couldn't understand why someone would skip a soft, warm, flour tortilla and instead go for lettuce wrapped around juicy chicken. Now after going Paleo and getting all the junk out of his diet he is totally singing a different song.  Chicken lettuce tacos are now one of his favorites.  He requests them about once a week.

Sunday afternoons are when I usually set aside for weekly meal prep.  I create a list of 14 possible meal options for the next week, including lunches and dinners.  I don't target them for  a specific day, just know that I will make that item.  Next, I make out my grocery list and make sure I have everything I need for those recipes.  I may modify the menu, depending upon what is on sale that week at my local market. I was able to get a good sale on chicken breast this week so I am going to be making several chicken recipes this week.

While putting all the groceries away I start my weekly meal prep.  Since I had just bought the chicken and it was already thawed, I cooked up several chicken tenders. I will use some of the tenders for tonights tacos and the rest I will save for another meal.  I washed and cut up several bell peppers, a shallot, and a poblano pepper.  I sautéed all those bright colored peppers in a large skillet with just a little garlic and cumin.  I will use some for the tacos and put the rest in the fridge for omelets, a frittata, or to add to some grass fed beef to use to stuff an acorn squash.  I also fry up some beef to have on hand for later in the week.  I usually fry it up in same pan that I used to prepare those wonderful peppers in. Not only does it give the beef good flavor, but I only have one pan to wash.  I would say that was a win-win!

After everything is finished cooking I make all the toppings to go on my tacos.  When I make toppings for my tacos I usually make extra for use in other dishes. Standard toppings include avocado, tomatoes, some kind of homemade salsa, and we have even put some grated carrot on the tacos. Again, try to incorporate as many vegetables as you can or use up what you have leftover in the fridge.  When it comes to the avocado I usually mash it up with a fork.  I have learned that if I mash the avocado up and put it on the taco it stays there. (I have had one too many avocado slices shoot out the other end of my taco and land in my lap.)  Assemble your taco with all of your favorite toppings and enjoy.

Tonight we used chicken but you can use any protein you like.  Try fish, spicy shrimp, ground beef, ground turkey, leftover steak or even pork.  Sometimes, I  even make two different proteins and we have one of each.  This is one of our most favorite quick go to meals that we love to eat.  I know that you will too.

If you need me I'll be in the kitchen doing the dishes!

Chicken Lettuce Tacos


  • 4 Boneless skinless chicken breast
  • 1 Bell Pepper or 4 small sweet peppers
  • 1 Poblano Pepper
  • Lettuce of your choice...butter lettuce or romaine
  • 1 Shallot
  • 1 Avocado - mashed with a fork
  • 1 Roma Tomato - diced
  • 2 teaspoons Cumin - 1 for the chicken and 1 for the peppers
  • 2 teaspoons Garlic - 1 for the chicken and 1 for the peppers
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil - 1 each for the chicken and the peppers
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Homemade Salsa Verde  


  • Cut your bell pepper, poblano pepper, and your shallot into thin strips. Heat a tablespoons of olive oil in a cast iron skillet and add in your garlic. Next put your chicken in with the olive oil and garlic.  Brown slightly on one side.  This only takes a couple of minutes.  Turn your chicken over and then brown the other side.  
  • Once the chicken is browned on both sides, I add 1/4  to a 1/2 cup water to the pan and put a lid on it.  I then turn the temperature down to low and let it simmer.  This steams the chicken and makes it tender and juicy.  Check your chicken after a couple of minutes to make sure there is no pink showing and the juices are running clear.  Usually once the water is cooked out of the pan, the chicken is done. If  it isn't, then I just add a bit more water to the pan and continue to cook till the chicken is no longer pink in the middle.
  • While your chicken is cooking, sauté your peppers, onions, and garlic in olive oil until they start to brown. At this point I add in about a 1/4 cup of water to this pan as well, just to let the peppers and onions soften up a bit.  We personally don't prefer our vegetables crunchy.  We really like them more soft and caramelized.
  • After the chicken and the peppers are done start working on your toppings. Mash your avocado with a fork and then dice up a roma tomato or cut some cherry tomatoes in half. Grate a carrot if you want some more crunch to your taco. You can even use sauté zucchini or squash instead of the peppers and onions. Sometimes I include jalapeño peppers in with my veggies for an extra kick. Again, be creative...put whatever you like on your taco!
  • Wash and dry off you lettuce leaf and lay it out. Put pieces of the sliced chicken breast on your lettuce leaf and then start piling on the toppings. Grab napkins before you go and sit down, because this one can get messy. Enjoy and let me know what all toppings you put on your taco!!!  I want to hear from you! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Surprise Eggs

"Surprise Eggs" - Frittata

I have really enjoyed eating healthy, real foods and getting all of the yucky grains out of my diet. The Paleo way of eating has become a new lifestyle choice that has totally changed my life. Feeling so much better, having extra energy, and losing weight is something that I thought would never happen to me.  I love the fact that with this new lifestyle change we are adding many fun and interesting new vegetables in to our diet.  I am amazed by the fact that my husband is eating asparagus, artichokes, spinach, all different kinds of squash, and avocados, things he swore to me that he would never eat.  One example is the avocado.  He hated them! Now he loves them and almost requires them at every meal.  See, it's important to keep trying new things.  You never know when it might just hit your taste buds the right way and you magically grow to love it.

One of the easiest ways to add extra veggies into your diet is by adding it to your breakfast every morning. It doesn't matter if you scramble your eggs and add in some vegetables; make a hash and serve a fried egg on top; or make a frittata, getting those extra vegetables will help you thru out the day.   I have noticed that when I eat a really healthy serving of vegetables in the mornings, I'm less prone to snack in between meals.  

One of my husbands favorite things for me to make him in the morning is a frittata.  A frittata is just a really fancy word for a quiche without the crust.  My husband calls it "surprise eggs"! The surprise comes because every time I make the "surprise eggs" its different because of the different ingredients I use. This is because I usually throw whatever leftovers I have in the fridge into the eggs. One day I may have spinach and chicken on hand! Another day I may fry up some bacon, add some squash and, tomatoes to the eggs or one day it may just be all veggies.  But really, these "surprise eggs" are so delicious, so versatile, and so easy to make. You can eat a frittata or "surprise eggs" for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or even dinner. You even can eat a slice of the egg pie on the go. 

The different ingredient possibilities for a frittata or "surprise eggs" are endless. When you are cleaning out that fridge don't forget to add in some of that extra protein you have in there. Be creative. Try and come up with some uniquely different combinations.  Pulled pork and eggs, ummm I think so! Mushrooms and leftover steak, oh wow!  Sweet Potato and breakfast sausage is another combination that is amazing.  You can layer the sliced cooked sweet potato on the bottom of the pie pan and use the sweet potatoes as somewhat of a crust and then add your eggs and other vegetables to the pan. Sometimes, if I really want to surprise my hubby, I will sneak in a new vegetable that we have never tried before into the "surprise eggs"!  Surprise, new vegetable introduced into our diet and he wasn't even aware!  This is also a good way to get your kids to get more vegetables. Hide them in the "egg surprise" and call it an egg pie. What kid doesn't love pie?

I love watching my husbands face as I place a slice of the "surprise eggs" on his plate!  That silly slow grin that forms on his face as he sees all the different goodies in his "surprise eggs" just waiting to be gobbled up. He never knows what I will put in there, I think that is why he loves this dish so much.  I sure do love making him smile!

When I cleaned out the fridge this morning, this is what I found:
  • pork chop - grilled
  • butternut squash - roasted
  • chayote squash - raw
  • sautéed onions, bell pepper, and jalapeño - leftover from lettuce tacos
  • tomatoes - sliced
  • avocado - whole
  • asparagus - grilled and then cut up
  • salsa verde

You will need eggs.  This will depend on how many people you would like for the frittata to feed.  We usually will use 8 eggs into one regular pie pan. We usually have a couple of slices left over for dinner or breakfast the next day.  


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Lightly grease (with the oil of your choice) either a cast iron skillet or a glass pie plate.
  • In a large bowl mix up your eggs - I use an immersion blender, it seems to make them more fluffy.
  • Stir in any emergency protein that you have in your fridge - that means any protein that you have left over or made ahead of time for the week.
  • Add in your vegetables - I use the precooked ones I have left over in the fridge or I use whatever raw ones I have in the fridge - be creative.
  • Stir everything together in the bowl and pour into the prepared baking dish. Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Bake for 25 minutes or until the top is set.  If your frittata is getting too brown but hasn't quite set yet, turn down your oven 25 degrees and cook in 5 minute increments.
  • Take out and serve in pie shaped wedges with some paleo salsa, avocado, or hey whatever you like can be piled on top. We don't do dairy anymore, but cheese on top is amazing.  My tummy just doesn't think it's amazing anymore! 

Beat the eggs till they are frothy
Grease your pie pan
Chop up some raw vegetables or gather all of your leftover vegetables
Chopping up the leftover pork chop 
Yummy avocado for on top
Yummy "Surprise Eggs"

Ready to eat! So good! I'm not sharing!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Delicious Fall Apart Pork Tenderloin

Have you ever gnawed on a piece of meat that had the texture of shoe leather? Notice I didn’t say tasted like shoe leather, because hopefully none of you have ever eaten shoe leather! Guess what? This meat doesn’t fall into that category! This pork tenderloin is the most moist, tender piece of meat that you will ever put into your mouth. It literally melts in your mouth. The vegetables that are nestled underneath the tenderloin are roasted to perfection and are soft and tender. They take on a completely different flavor when they are roasted in the oven. I encourage you run to the store, grab a pork tenderloin, any kind of hard veggies you like, and make this as soon as you can. Next, invite a friend over! Find a significant other! Or just let your family enjoy the delicious goodness. if all else fails, you can always call me and I’ll come over and eat with you. Your friends and family will be impressed with such an awesome meal. They will think that you slaved over a hot stove for hours when really it only took you a few minutes of prep time. Don’t let them in on the secret and be sure to make them do all the dishes! Let me know what you think after you try this recipe. I am sure you will put this on your weekly meal rotation.

Fall Apart Pork Tenderloin

  • 1 Pork Tenderloin - depends on your family size 
    • I usually use a 3 pound one for our family of 4 
  • 4 Whole Garlic Cloves - peeled 
  • 2 Whole Shallot
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Hard Vegetables - You may use whatever vegetables you like 
    • I use different ones each time I make it. Some suggestions are: 
      • Butternut Squash - be sure to peel these guys!
      • Sweet Potato 
      • Brussel Sprouts 
      • Parsnips - be sure to peel these guys! 
      • Carrots 
      • Rutabaga - be sure to peel these guys!


Slice your shallots
Cut the ends off you brussel sprouts and cut in half
Yummy carrots
Lay out a two strips of aluminum foil. Each strip should be big enough to wrap the tenderloin and the vegetable mix. In other words, pretty big. Cover it with olive oil so your veggies won't stick.  Slice your shallots up into strips. Next,  smash your garlic cloves with the back of your knife.  This pops off the garlic skin.  

The vegetables are the easy part.   Cut them up into even sized pieces.  You don't want big pieces and little pieces because you want them all to cook  evenly.  They don't have to be perfect, just pretty uniform. The good part is that most of the vegetables do not need to be peeled.  The peel is where all the good vitamins are so save your self some work and don't peel them. There are two, however that do need to be peeled and those are the parsnips and the rutabaga. 

Start layering your shallots, whole garlic cloves, and vegetables on your foil. When they are all layered on, pour on a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and make sure the vegetables are good and covered.  Salt and pepper. 

Now for that pork tenderloin.  Remove it from the wrapper and put it in a very hot cast iron skillet that has just a bit of olive oil or bacon grease.  Yes, I said bacon grease.  It's really not bad for you, if eaten in moderation and with good fats and vegetables.  Brown your pork tenderloin on all sides.  Once you get a good sear on it take it off the stove and place it on the vegetable blanket.  Add just about a teaspoon or so more of olive oil on top of the pork loin. 

Tasty butternut squash
Now wrap it up tightly and put it on a cookie sheet for baking.  You can prep it a day ahead of time or in the morning and put it in the fridge for later in the day.    The tenderloin should bake for 1 hour per pound of pre-cooked weight at 300 degrees. I know this seems like a long time, but it takes that long for it too be come pull apart tender.  Don't worry, I promise you it will be moist.  Just make sure you seal it up really well in the foil. 

 Be careful when opening the foil package, because the steam can burn you.  You will be amazed at how awesome it smells and how even better it taste.  My mouth is watering right now.  I guess I better go get my out of the fridge and put it in the oven!!  If you need me I will be eating some delicious fall apart pork tenderloin, and in the kitchen doing the dishes.

Look at that bed of veggies

Sear your pork tenderloin

Lay it on top of your bed of vegetables

Doesn't that look delicious 

All wrapped up and ready to stick into the oven
Fresh from the oven

Rested and ready to eat!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cajun Love

I previously had a love/hate relationship with spicy food.  I absolutely loved it, but my irritable tummy hated it.  I loved it so much I continued to eat it AND continued having the tummy issues. I was sure I was never going to be able to enjoy my spicy food without having the tummy problems until Paleo came into my life.  I figured out that most of my issues were 1) the dairy 2) the amount I was eating and 3) the grains I was eating with the spicy food.

I am originally a Texas girl, but my parents dragged me kicking and screaming to Louisiana.  Once there I fell in love with spicy cajun food and seafood!  After about 15 years, and because of a job transfer, my parents dragged me kicking and screaming back to Texas.  So I don't know what you would call me.  I guess I'm a Texajan.  I really love Texas, but I also really love Louisiana.  I remember we hadn't been back to Texas very long and my parents took me to eat at a little Mexican restaurant in Las Colinas for my birthday.  We could not figure out what the green leafy stuff was that was all over our food.  It was in the salsa, on the enchiladas, and in everything.  Come to find out it was cilantro!  We still laugh about that today, because we couldn't imagine cooking any mexican food dish without cilantro! I love the stuff.

Jack's Dirty Rice is the recipe that I will be sharing with you today.  It's named after my brother who still lives in Louisiana.  He is the guy that nicknamed me Stevie which I still live with 46 years later!  I guess he wanted a brother, NOT a sister.  He is a great guy and boy can he kill his own food and cook it as well.  He is a Banker, a Harley guy,  and a loving big teddy bear all rolled up into one. You can make it as spicy or as tame as you like. The "rice" I use is actually cauliflower which has been riced; however if you aren't ready to totally make jump on the Paleo bandwagon, you may use brown or white rice.  It is proven though that white rice is just a little easier for the tummy to digest.  Do what makes you feel best.  No Paleo Police will give you a ticket! Here is the recipe, I hope you enjoy!

Jack's Dirty Faux Rice

1 Head of Cauliflower - you won't use the entire head
1/2 Pound of Pealed and Devined Shrimp
1 LB sliced Pederson's Sausage - nitrate free and unprocessed with no sugar
1 Tablespoon diced Garlic
1 Tablespoon Old Bay Seasoning
1 Tablespoon or Coconut Oil or Olive Oil
Crab Boil to Taste
1 Can of Diced Tomatoes - no sugar added

Break the cauliflower down into florets. Put the florets into a food processor and pulse it a few times until it gets to the "rice" texture. Don't over fill your food processor. It doesn't take but a minute and once you are done you will have beautiful cauliflower rice. If you do not have a food processor, you can also grate your cauliflower, but be careful for skinned knuckles.

Next, sauté your sliced sausage over medium heat until it browns. Remove it from the pan and set it aside. In the same pan add your olive oil and garlic and sauté until the garlic starts to brown. Watch it because it can burn pretty fast.

Add in your can of diced tomatoes, Old Bay, and your Crab Boil. I use at least one tablespoon Crab Boil, but you can season to taste. Mix all the items together until it starts to gentle bubble. Gentle bubble is not a full on boil, it's just until it starts to get a bubble or two. Once the mixture begins to bubble, reduce the heat to low.

Add in your sautéd sausage. Now for the best part! Throw your shrimp into the hot tub of tomato bubbly goodness. Let it simmer for about two minutes. It will not take long for the little guys to cook. Finally, put in a couple of cups of your cauliflower rice and stir until it’s fully incorporated. Cook another two to four minutes. You don't want to over cook the shrimp or make mush out of the cauliflower rice.

Now is the moment you have been waiting for. You are ready to dish up some of your delicious cajun goodness into a big bowl and enjoy. If you are interested in modifying this receipt, you can use diced chicken instead of seafood.

Hope you enjoy this receipt, if you need me, I'll be in the kitchen!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1st Post Anxiety

Have you ever had the feeling that you are out in public, totally naked and everyone is staring at you? That pretty much describes the way I am feeling at the moment! Naked! My confidence in writing is about at a 0%! I am sharing our story, even though I am terrified of writing, in hopes that it changes at least one life. Ok who I am I lying to? I want it to be phenomenal and change tons of lives.

The journey begins on Sunday, April 28, 2013. I woke up and was feeling miserable. I decided that Monday the 29th was going to be the first day of a new life for my husband and myself. You see my husband and I are over weight. Period. End of story. I'm not going to sugar coat it, we were in trouble health wise and needed to make some changes. I have had so many operations that I can't even count them all. I have had so many tummy problems that it was beginning to make my life as a mom and a wife very difficult. Tummy problems kept me in the bathroom or searching for a bathroom almost all day. I had gotten to the point that I wasn't even leaving the house anymore because I was scared of having an "attack"! We are talking lying on the floor. Doubled over in pain. I couldn't sleep. Stayed nauseated. My hair was falling out. I was on a ton of medication.

I was ready to give up. I had recently had blood work done, the results from my doctor indicated that I was pre-diabetic, my cholesterol was off the chart, and all my other numbers were too bad to admit. One doctor said it was Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS), another said I had a gluten issues, while another said I was the F word. You know that dirty word....FAT!!! He said that I was FAT! CRAZY DOCTOR! Fortunately, I have never been back to see him!

I decided that on Monday, April 29th, my husband and I were changing our life. We were getting off of all the sugar, processed foods, dairy, grains, legumes and processed oils and were going to start eating real whole foods. We started this without really knowing what we were doing, other than changing our diet I started reading about it on that Monday afternoon and I was hooked!

What is Paleo? Well, Paleo is a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Paleo is going back to the days of the caveman and eating like a caveman. More than that, it's really a focus on organic, natural foods. Fresh, locally grown vegetables and fruits, grass fed / free range meat. Within the "Paleo" community there is a lot of diversity in which people pursue their journeys. Some people eat dairy, some don't. Some eat green beans, which are technically a legume, and some stay away from them. Some people "do" Paleo 80% of the time and eat a regular diet the other 20% of the time. Some people are extremely regimented when it comes to Paleo, these people we call the Paleo Police. They always have something negative about what you eat and are very harsh "judgers"! This blog really isn't about Paleo. It's about our new journey of our new way of life. It's about sharing some recipes, some recipe transformations, and probably a few laughs along the way. (I am sure at my expense.)

Like I shared before, our journey began April 29th. We have completed 13 full weeks of eating healthy, whole foods, in their most natural state. Eating lots of proteins, fat, yes I said fat. Don't freak out on me. Fat is good for you. You need fat in your diet. We eat a ton of vegetables. We actually have been trying to add a new protein or new vegetable to our diet every week. To me, Paleo reminds me of the days of June Cleaver. Remember her? She was the mom on the Leave it to Beaver television show. The first shows aired in 1957, no I'm not that old, I watched the reruns. These days I know that not very many people will even know the show I am talking about. For those who don't know her, June Cleaver was a well dressed, slim, stay at home mom who cooked three meals a day for adoring, loving family. Wow, don't I wish I was June! She dressed in heals and wore a dress everyday. I can't even imagine cooking in a dress, much less heels! But when you think about back in the "olden" days most families didn't go out to eat, there really weren’t any restaurants. They all ate a home-cooked meals around the dinner table together. I don't think June Cleaver or Carol Brady ever made boxed Macaroni and Cheese or heated up a hot dog in the microwave. They went to the market bought fresh produce and fresh cut meat. Remember Alice from the Brady Bunch? She dated Sam the butcher. Do we even have butchers anymore? Remember our great grandmother's? They cooked good, home cooked meals with lots of meat, veggies, fat, and they cooked things with love. They weren't afraid of a few carbs, they weren't afraid of all those calories; they just ate good natural whole foods. They were all fit and trim and they didn't count calories or live at the gym. The food they ate didn't have a lot of preservatives in them, they were not over processed. Did I mention I wanna be like that? Yea, skinny, cooking whole real foods for a loving, adoring family that all ate together every night!

Our Progress
I am proud to say I have lost 19 1/2 pounds and my last blood work came back amazing. My blood sugar was down 56 points, my triglycerides were down 87 points, and my total cholesterol was down over 50 points. The only thing I did was to change what I was eating. I didn't go to the gym, but I so need too, but that is a completely different story. I ate real, natural foods including lots of vegetables and good fat. I cut out out all processed sugar and reduced the amount of fruit I ate. I stopped eating dairy from cows, but added a small amount of goat cheese just recently. I also stopped eating all grains, rice, soy, and corn. Through this change in my diet I totally changed the way I ate and the way I cook for my husband, however there is one thing that didn't change. I still create a bunch of dirty dishes. Real cooking requires you to cook. Ha who would have ever thought! But I have found a way to even cut back on those. It's called batch cooking and one big prep day.

I bet you are thinking no, not more dirty dishes! No! I don't want to cook three meals a day! Well, you don't exactly have too. I can show you some quick easy tips to help cut back on that pile of dirty dishes and still make healthy, yummy, exciting meals that will help you not only drop some pounds but help you get more healthy. Now I know you want to hear about how to eat healthy and cook good food and not be a trained chef. I hope the recipes that I will be posting in the future will help you to see the variety and quality of food that can be created while eating Paleo and that they don't require a huge amount of fuss. But they will create those dirty dishes. But again, I will give you some fantastic tips on meal planning and guides to weakly meal prep. Now go get your husband, wife, significant other, or even the kids in the kitchen with you to help wash those dishes. Hmmm, maybe you can even have a conversation while you are all together in the kitchen. Now that is an idea, families together in the kitchen talking!

If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen!
